Sunday, April 4, 2010

April- Show time...literally...

During the month of April, my girls have a show every weekend! To say its a fast paced weekend is an understatement! Now lets add CAMP SAVAGE WEST PALM BEACH to the mix, taking place April 9th-11th. Add a trip to New York City to work with our agents and production company. I love being busy! It makes me a better coach as I am forced to keep to a schedule! My kids are also getting super busy with their schedules too so the juggling and balancing act continues! I swear, I can hear the Ringling Brothers circus music always playing in the background. Life is supposed to be filled-it is supposed to be a roller coaster, not a merry go round!
Be sure to check back on my facebook page for instant updates on a daily basis as well as twitter and our sister sites and . Now lets get busy!