Saturday, December 5, 2009

December is here and we are off and running! Andi and Lindsay put together an incredible training program for this, the first official "off season" month. Their vision is unparalleled and their expertise speaks for itself. This Fall, we have seen our girls break through plateaus and look better than ever! We are so excited to have a great off season and take advantage of every minute of it! We will be continuing with our telecalls that pick up again the week of December 15th. We also encourage you to enjoy the holidays and not be so hard on yourseld when it comes to nutrition! We want you to stay on point every 5 days in a row and then have an off day and then get right back onpoint! Life is short and if you go through this month, trying to be "perfect", you will fail..its as simple as that! So portion control is KING this month!
In other news, we are moving and enlarging our studio space here in Massachusetts and our grand opening of the new studio will take place January 3rd~ how exciting! A new facility marks a new era in Cathy Savage Fitness! The best is yet to come and I expect BIG things from all of you!

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