Saturday, November 14, 2009


its hard to believe but FlORIDA and VEGAS (the last shows of the year are almost here!). We are so excited to watch our girls from all over the world congregate and look their best onstage! As a MOM to all of you, my pride runs deep and this year, its bubbling over for so many reasons. Many wonderful things have happened in my business that tested me, as a coach. My teammates have shown me their faith, dedication and love for what we are all about.
You have also been tested but you were smart enough to realize that this TEAM began over 15 years ago. Our rise to success came a long time ago.....MTV came LONG before this year...... our victories came LONG before this year......The reason why I built this team was that I truly wanted to take an otherwise selfish sport and make it a "group activity and hobby". I chose "team and value" over "quick" money and personal gain". My love for this sport grew at its inception and it has never "waivered". I dont want to hear "Im burnt out" or "Im too tired"......Working with you all is a gift and I dont take it lightly. So I want to thank those who have tested me... Your departure gave ME back MY voice. It reminded me of WHY I do this and WHY I adore you all! It reminded me why I scream and yell for you all at shows when others would just "sit and watch"....I cant wait to see you all shine onstage! You all worked so hard to look this good and to get where you are! Competing is FUN and its time to soar... there is no limit ladies to what you can do, and I thank EVERYONE for reminding me that the same is true for me as well!

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